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  • Seasonal Flu Vaccination – Saturday 8th October 2016

    Author: C Boal

    Seasonal Flu Vaccination – Saturday 8th October 2016

    The Influenza Vaccine for winter 2017/18 begins in early October.


    A personal letter of invitation will be sent mid to late September 2017.

    If you are in one or more of the high risk groups listed below then we can offer you a free Flu Jab.
    The high risk groups are:

    • 65 years or over
    • heart disease including angina, heart attack, congenital heart disease and valve problems (uncomplicated hypertension is excluded)
    • chest disease including asthma, bronchitis and COPD
    • diabetes
    • kidney disease
    • liver disease
    • suppression of the immune system e.g. splenectomy, some cancers or certain treatments such as steroids
    • living in a residential or nursing home
    • pregnant women
    • chronic neurological disease including MS and Parkinson’s Disease
    • learning disability
    • carers
    • front line health and social care staff (contact your occupational health unit)


    Influenza Vaccine is now offered to all children aged from 2 to 11 years old. The vaccine is for all children in this age group regardless of whether they are healthy or have underlying illnesses. The vaccine is called Fluenz. It is very effective in preventing influenza and in preventing transmission of influenza in children to adults. The vaccine is given by spraying a tiny amount of liquid into each nostril. No injection is necessary. The School Health Service will arrange for the flu vaccine to be administered during school term (age 4 to 11yrs). Pre–school children aged 2 to 4 years will be vaccinated in GP surgeries. If your school age child misses the vaccine in school we can arrange for it to be done in the Surgery.

    Pregnant women will be asked to attend the Practice on allocated flu clinic days. A personal letter of invitation will be sent.

    NHS Choices – Seasonal Flu Information


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